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Zhejiang Sci-Tech University Students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan visited High Fashion, Exchanging Ideas and Seeking Opportunities

May 17, 2019

High Fashion helps non-local students studying in Hangzhou have a deeper understanding and better integration into the development of Hangzhou. We build a platform for exchanges between Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan talents and the city of Hangzhou. On May 15, 2019, a group of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan students studying in Zhejiang Sci-Tech University visited High Fashion’s modern garment production base, Hangzhou’s representative garment enterprise, to gain an in-depth understanding of the status of innovation and development and discuss the employment prospects of foreign students in Hangzhou with Ms. Pan Fengjiao, Director of the Human Resources Sharing Center, and Mr. Xu Mei, Manager of the Sustainable Development Department.

The delegation of teachers and students from High Fashion Womenswear Institute also participated in this exchange activity. Both the University and the Institute look forward to more cooperation and exploring opportunities in the future.

In the forum, the Human Resources Sharing Center first introduced High Fashion’s current development, innovative management model, corporate employment, and talent training strategies, so that students had a preliminary understanding of High Fashion. Then the students proactively spoke out and shared their thoughts in the discussion session which was  interactive and engaging.

        A student majoring in design at the Zhejiang Sci-Tech University said that it is much easier to stay in the mainland for work now than before. The school and society are encouraging them to stay in Hangzhou for employment. He asked when large-scale enterprises like High Fashion with trading and processing business that emphasizes innovation recruit interns, what the ratio of engineering major and business majors would be. If one is interested in marketing, he would like to know if High Fashion would give design students the opportunity to get to know more about the market.

Ms. Pan Fengjiao, Director of the Human Resources Sharing Center, answered the students’ questions one by one in detail, and said that talents are paramount to a city’s development. Only when Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan students in Hangzhou feel more about the city’s charm and know more about the opportunities of career development, can they find their own value and build the sense of identity. High Fashion always welcomes international students from various majors for internships at the company. Regardless of the major, as long as you are outstanding, High Fashion can provide you with suitable platform and positions. Even if you are interested in developing in fields different from your major, the company will give you the opportunity of continuous learning.

After a relaxing and pleasant face-to-face exchange, the first stop the students visited was the R&D Center of High Fashion Garment Branch.

▲Students observing High Fashion’s 3D custom tailoring software operation closely

The students were interested in understanding the process of modern garment production on the spot, and showed a keen interest in 3D custom tailoring and other cutting-edge technologies. Many students majoring in fashion design even asked for further in-depth understanding and learning.

▲Visiting High Fashion’s digital printing workshop

▲Visiting the printing, dyeing and finishing workshop

In the digital printing workshop, students watched the operation of digital printing machines. Machines like printers with high speed, wide-width format and high precision are a revolutionary breakthrough in the traditional printing and dyeing industry. After the visit in person, they all exclaimed how innovative and well-developed the silk industry is and admired the development of High Fashion’s industrial technology. 

Although it was raining on that day, the students who travelled in the High Fashion Business Park remained enthusiastic and unaffected.

         The purpose of this visit is to let schools and enterprises to communicate in order to guide the inflow of talents from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and to accurately match them to the right roles. As an international modern fashion enterprise covering the entire fashion industry chain, High Fashion hopes to help more young people at home and abroad understand the current situation in fashion industry and the silk culture, and see its brand new charm under the influence of science and technology. We also look forward to this kind of connection bringing unlimited possibilties to all of us!