2020中國服裝行業利潤總額百強企業中國服裝行業營業收入利潤率百強企業中國服裝行業百強企業中國服裝行業營業收入百強企業Top 100 Enterprises in China’s Garment IndustryTop 100 Enterprises in China’s Garment Industry By Operating Profit RatioTop 100 Enterprises in China’s Garment Industry By Total ProfitsTop 100 Enterprises in China’s Garment Industry By Product Sales Revenue
2018國際STeP認證中國服裝行業產品 銷售收入百強企業全國服裝行業百強企業International Sustainable Textile & Leather Production (STeP) CertificationTop 100 Enterprises in China’s Garment Industry By Product Sales Revenue
2017全國紡織行業QC小組工作優秀企業中國服裝行業產品銷售收入百強企業全國質量管理小組活動優秀企業紡織行業水效領跑者安全生產標準化三級企業Enterprise Conducting Excellent QC Work for the National Textile IndustryTop 100 Enterprises in China’s Garment Industry By Product Sales RevenueNational Quality Management EnterprisesLeader of Water Efficiency in the Textile IndustryEnterprise with Level-Three Production Safety Standards
2016全國紡織行業質量管理小組活動優秀企業全國服裝行業利潤率百強企業全國服裝行業銷售收入百強企業第17屆中國國際絲綢博覽會達利國際集團特別貢獻獎全國紡織行業統計工作優秀集體重點跟蹤培育服裝家紡自主品牌企業Top Quality Management Enterprise in the National Textile IndustryTop 100 Enterprises in China’s Garment Industry By Sales ProfitsTop 100 Enterprises in China’s Garment Industry by Product Sales RevenueSpecial Contribution Award from the 17th China International Silk ExpoCollective Enterprise Providing Excellent Statistical Work for the National Textile IndustryChinese Clothing Textile Brand Focused on Cultivating Self-Ownership
2015全國紡織行業統計工作優秀集體全國紡織行業質量管理小組活動優秀企業全國服裝行業利潤率百強企業全國服裝行業銷售收入百強企業全國服裝行業利潤總額百強企業Collective Enterprise Providing Excellent Statistical Work for the National Textile IndustryTop Quality Management Enterprise in the National Textile IndustryTop 100 Enterprises in China’s Garment Industry By Sales ProfitsTop 100 Enterprises in China’s Garment Industry by Product Sales RevenueTop 100 Enterprises in China’s Garment Industry
2014印染行業優秀面料全國紡織行業質量管理小組活動優秀企業全國服裝行業利潤總額百強企業全國服裝行業銷售收入百強企業全國服裝行業銷售利潤率百強企業國家紡織行業節能減排技術應用示範單位重點跟蹤培育的中國服裝家紡自主品牌企業華德獎Top Materials in the Printing and Dyeing IndustryTop Quality Management Enterprise in the National Textile IndustryTop 100 Enterprises in China’s Garment IndustryTop 100 Enterprises in China’s Garment Industry by Product Sales RevenueTop 100 Enterprises in China’s Garment Industry By Sales ProfitsEnterprise Demonstrating Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Technology Applications for the National Textile IndustryChinese Clothing Textile Brand Focused on Cultivating Self-OwnershipHuade Award
2013全國服裝行業百強企業全國紡織行業質量管理小組活動優秀企業Top 100 Enterprises in the National Apparel IndustryTop Quality Management Enterprise in the National Textile Industry
2012全國紡織行業質量管理小組活動優秀企業女裝博覽會最佳展示獎全國服裝行業百強企業重點跟蹤培育的中國服裝家紡自主品牌企業全國服裝行業百強企業Top Quality Management Enterprise in the National Textile IndustryBest in Show Award at Women’s Wear ExpoTop 100 Enterprises in the National Apparel IndustryChinese Clothing Textile Brand Focused on Cultivating Self-OwnershipTop 100 Enterprises in the National Apparel Industry
2011全國紡織行業實施卓越績效模式先進企業全國服裝行業百強企業全國女裝行業六十強企業中國紡織服裝行業出口百強企業中國絲綢行業競爭力10強企業中國紡織企業競爭力500強全國紡織行業質量管理小組活動卓越領導者全國紡織行業質量管理小組活動優秀企業Advanced High-Performance Pioneering Enterprise in the National Textile IndustryTop 100 Enterprises in the National Apparel IndustryTop Sixty Enterprises in the National Women’s Wear IndustryTop 100 Chinese Enterprises Exporting Textiles and GarmentsTop 10 Competitor in China’s Silk IndustryTop 500 Competitor in China’s Textile and Apparel IndustriesLeading Top Enterprise in Quality Management Team Activities in the National Textile IndustryTop Quality Management Enterprise in the National Textile Industry
2010中國紡織服裝製造行業領軍企業中國服裝行業產品銷售收入百強企業中國服裝行業利潤總額百強企業中國服裝行業銷售利潤率百強企業全國紡織行業質量管理小組活動優秀企業中國紡織服裝企業競爭力500強中國紡織服裝企業出口百強企業中國絲綢行業競爭力10強企業中國工業行業排頭兵企業Leading Enterprise in China’s Textile and Garment Manufacturing IndustryTop 100 Enterprises in China’s Garment Industry by Product Sales RevenueTop 100 Enterprises in China’s Garment IndustryTop 100 Enterprises in China’s Garment Industry By Sales ProfitsTop Quality Management Enterprise in the National Textile IndustryTop 500 Competitor in China’s Textile and Apparel IndustriesTop 100 Chinese Enterprises Exporting Textiles and GarmentsTop 10 Competitor in China’s Silk IndustryLeading Enterprise in Chinese Industry
2009全國紡織行業質量管理小組活動優秀企業全國紡織行業實施卓越績效模式先進企業Top Quality Management Enterprise in the National Textile IndustryAdvanced High-Performance Pioneering Enterprise in the National Textile Industry
2008中國企業數據庫優秀企業絲印染精加工行業排頭兵企業中國絲綢行業競爭力10強企業中國紡織服裝企業競爭力500強絲綢產品流行趨勢研究中心Member of China’s Top Enterprise DatabaseLeading Enterprise of the Silk Dyeing and Finishing IndustryTop 10 Competitor in China’s Silk IndustryTop 500 Competitor in China’s Textile and Apparel IndustriesSilk Product Trend Research Center
2007全國服裝行業百強企業中國服裝行業產品銷售收入百強企業全國質量管理優秀企業中國環境保護示範單位全國就業促進活動先進單位Top 100 Enterprises in the National Apparel IndustryTop 100 Enterprises in China’s Garment Industry by Product Sales RevenueNational Quality Management EnterprisesChina Environmental Protection Demonstration EnterpriseNationally Advanced Enterprise for Employment Promotion Activities
2006中國優秀企業數據庫全國服裝行業百強企業中國絲印染精加工業10強企業Top Enterprise of the China Enterprise DatabaseTop 100 Enterprises in the National Apparel IndustryTop 10 Companies in China’s Silk Printing, Dyeing, and Processing Industry
2004中國紡織工業絲綢行業競爭力前50位“石獅杯”徵文三等獎全國絲綢服裝出口企業第一位全國絲綢出口百強企業中國紡織工業全行業出口前100位全國服裝行業百強企業中國紡織工業前50名Top 50 Competitors in China’s Textile and Silk IndustriesThird Prize Essay for the “Stone Lion Cup”Top National Silk Garment ExporterNational Top 100 Silk ExportersTop 100 Exporters of China’s Textile IndustryTop 100 Enterprises in the National Apparel IndustryTop 50 Chinese Textile Industry Firms